Odds are your sales team may get burnt out during the holiday season. They may be tired and unmotivated to work. Your reps might feel bitterness, cynicism or disillusionment toward the company. They could lose confidence in themselves, not put in their full effort at work or have strained interpersonal relationships. All of these factors have an adverse impact on sales performance. As a result, you need to take steps to avoid having your sales team burn out during the holiday season.

Here’s how.

Brighten Up the Office

Let your sales team decorate the office. They’ll enjoy sharing stories about holiday celebrations while building rapport with teammates. Your staff will feel engaged and rewarded for being at the office longer. Spreading holiday cheer will incentivize them to come to work and spend longer days.

Be Realistic

Set realistic expectations for your sales team. Understand that not everyone can put in overtime. They have personal responsibilities to attend to and need time to unwind each night. Parents have holiday events at their kids’ schools. Nonparents have their own celebrations to participate in. Allow for reasonable working hours and paid time off after the holidays. Also, make sure your team can reach the goals you set. Although they want to be challenged, your team needs to accomplish what they set out to do to encourage them to keep going.

Encourage Breaks

Your team needs to stretch their legs, make important phone calls and have lunch. Your reps also may want to read a book, talk with colleagues or check social media accounts. Encourage your team to focus on their health and well-being to find balance within their busy schedules.

Resolve Issues

Be supportive of your team. Show you’re concerned about what’s affecting their performance. There may be personal issues happening that are affecting their work life. Suggest appropriate ways to handle the problem.

Give Rewards

Provide your sales team rewards for work well done. They need to know you appreciate their contributions. Bring in gourmet coffee and pastries or gift certificates to local restaurants. Offer bonuses or the opportunity to leave work early.

Share Feedback

Let your team know whether they’re meeting benchmarks. Point out what’s going well and how specific areas can be improved. Give praise when it’s due and direction when appropriate. Help individual team members as needed.

Enhance Your Holiday Sales Team

Add temporary sales staff during the holiday season through Sales Search Partners. No matter what type of sales professionals you’re looking for, we have a deeply rooted network with the skills and flexibility to solve your business challenges. Let us help fill your sales staffing needs today.

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Sales Search Partners is the leading provider of sales recruiting services throughout the Greater Boston and New Hampshire markets. Today’s leading organizations turn to Sales Search Partners to attract and acquire top sales talent at all levels.

Learn more and search jobs at https://www.salessearchpartners.com